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The Second Space - Collaborative Coworking

  Fast forward to 2014, and my plan to create a flexible workspace in my community was coming together.  Coworking was mostly only available in the cities at this stage, with suburban spaces still being relatively niche.  You might find one that was for startups only, or maybe a group of architects who rented a space together and had a couple of spare desks they would rent out. I was looking at different commercial properties (I'd never rented a commercial space before, and had no idea of the Australian property market, so was researching as much as I could), imagining different layouts, doing budget after budget to try and find a way to keep the spaces affordable for sole traders or small businesses, but make it professional and a viable business idea. I started going to new networking events, making the effort to meet more business owners and pitching the concept to them. Before long, I had a couple of small businesses interested enough to want to rent a larger office with me to

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